
Showing posts from December, 2017

Episode 22 - Mint Coffee Experiments

As you may have noticed, this episode is a little longer than normal. In fact, I believe it's our longest yet. This is because we tried not one but four different coffees. Here's a breakdown of each recipe followed by our opinion on how they came out. Note: We used dark roast coffees across the board for brewing. Experiment 1:  Mint Leaves in Coffee For this one we just tore up some organic mint leaves and tried steeping them right in already made cups of coffee, kind of like tea leaves in hot water. Leuke's Thoughts: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Nope. Chad's Thoughts: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (no stars) Do not try this at home! It was just gross, it tasted a lot like our mint tea coffee (see below). Just bitter and sour. Didn't have a good smooth, minty taste. Experiment 2:  Mint Leaves Ground into the Coffee Since that didn't work (like at all), we mixed mint leaves and coffee beans, then ground and brewed it all together. I'm not going to tell you how many ...

Episode 21 - Mama Carmen's

Episode 21- The end of our trip around the world! A bittersweet farewell to our attempt to explore how the world does coffee. You may notice we are reunited! I was in Colorado so Chad and I got to film a few episodes in person. I wish we could film them all that way, but alas, not to be. Mama Carmen's Buffalo Blend came to us by way of Mercy House, the organization we spoke of in the video. They empower women in tough circumstances to break out of poverty. If we can help out by drinking a little coffee, that's not too tough, eh? Here's a link to the shop where I picked up the coffee and scoop: As of this writing, the bundle I bought is sold out, but they have a few other fun options you can check out, even if the basic option is gone. If you're curious about Mercy House Global, check it out here: Fair Trade Friday? Right here: Now back to the c...

Episode 20 - Cheese Coffee

Coffee with cheese in it?! Yes it's true! This experiment was... interesting. We based the recipe off a traditional Norwegian and Swedish coffee known as LeipƤjuusto, Juustoleipa, kaffeost, or sometimes just Juusto. Normally it's made with something called bread cheese. You can find a more exacting recipe here . We unfortunately could not try the recipe with homemade cheese and the whole nine yards. The amount of money and work involved was a little demanding for our currently limited budget.  Perhaps someday we will! Recipe Five or six small organic cheddar cheese curds 1 cup of your favorite coffee I basically made a layer of cheese curds at the bottom of my cup and poured my coffee over it. As you no doubt saw in the video, the results were less than successful. The cheese and coffee didn't merge in any kind of beneficial way. Afterthoughts: Leuke ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ You read that right, ZERO STARS. On some level I feel like this experiment should have w...