Episode 20 - Cheese Coffee

Coffee with cheese in it?! Yes it's true! This experiment was... interesting. We based the recipe off a traditional Norwegian and Swedish coffee known as LeipƤjuusto, Juustoleipa, kaffeost, or sometimes just Juusto. Normally it's made with something called bread cheese.

You can find a more exacting recipe here.

We unfortunately could not try the recipe with homemade cheese and the whole nine yards. The amount of money and work involved was a little demanding for our currently limited budget.  Perhaps someday we will!


  • Five or six small organic cheddar cheese curds
  • 1 cup of your favorite coffee
I basically made a layer of cheese curds at the bottom of my cup and poured my coffee over it. As you no doubt saw in the video, the results were less than successful. The cheese and coffee didn't merge in any kind of beneficial way.



You read that right, ZERO STARS. On some level I feel like this experiment should have worked, but unfortunately it didn't. I mean I couldn't even keep it down...


Cheese in coffee is just a no go.

Next week we close out our series of Coffees from around the world with a special episode! Don't miss it!


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