Episode 24 - Eggnog Coffee

Eggnog coffee is here! We recommend about one third hot eggnog for two thirds hot coffee, with a few healthy dashes of cinnamon as desired. That combo worked pretty well for us. We both used organic Horizon eggnog. I don't recommend the cheap stuff, the chemicals will mess with the flavor.



This one was... interesting, for me. I tried making my own eggnog initially, and that was a bit of a mess. It came out more like gooshy scrambled eggs, too savory and not enough sweet or spicy, so it was somewhat reminiscent of our egg coffee efforts.

Second time around, I used Horizon eggnog lightly heated, and that was about perfect. The flavor was ok. I don't typically like dairy in my coffee, so it was a little odd for me, but I still enjoyed it. Definitely a fun holiday treat!


I learned to like the eggnog coffee a lot. I drank it for several days after the episode and as long as I had cinnamon in it I enjoyed it. It's the perfect holiday coffee, sweet and spicy.


Today we start a new series! I didn't say as much in the episode, but I found a treasure trove of facts about famous coffee drinkers in history, so we'll be having some fun with that over the next couple months.

Beethoven, that’s Ludwig Von Beethoven, the famous composer, not the big old st bernard would make his coffee every morning with exactly 60 coffee beans. Even if he had to count them out one by one himself. I’ve heard mixed reports on the quality of his coffee. Supposedly, it was pretty strong because he crushed and brewed it himself, but 60 beans isn’t a crazy amount, maybe 10 or so more beans than normal. I don’t know, we’re talking about a man who reportedly fired his maid then re-hired her when he couldn’t put a meal together. Supposedly, it was good coffee though.  We might have to try Beethoven coffee on a future episode.

This concludes our Christmas series! Join us next week for a bonus episode. We'll be covering an interstate favorite in our final episode of 2017!


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