Episode 45 - MADRINAS 2x Dark Roast - Apollo 10

This last week was the anniversary of a space mission you don’t hear as much about, Apollo 10. Apollo 10 was a practice run for the moon landing, and paved the way for that historic landing to come to pass.

Apollo 10 and 11 were two of the earliest flights with veterans to space flight, with Thomas P. Stafford having flown on Gemini missions previously.

Apollo 10 set a speed record for manned flight at 24,791 mile per hour.

The command module was named Charlie Brown, and the Lunar Module, which never actually made it to the moon, was named Snoopy.

The astronauts circled the Moon 31 times while in orbit, and once while floating over the dark side of the moon reported hearing a strange sound like “outer space type music.”, An odd whistling that lasted nearly an hour.  Many have tried to call it a coverup for UFOs, but NASA says it was just radio interference creating odd sounds.


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