Episode 53 - Stok Iced Coffee and the True Beginning of the Revolution
Apple just recently became the world’s first trillion dollar company. Stacked on top of each other, a trillion dollars in $100 bills would be 631 miles tall. That’s higher than the International Space Station.
On August 8th the Columbia space shuttle took off on a secret mission. Space aliens?? Probably… or perhaps just a couple classified satellite launches. They also took a human skull sliced into ten layers. The intent was to study radiation penetration through human bones. Gross.
Nagasaki was bombed on August 9, 1945. The atomic bomb was called “Fat Man”. In the Fallout series there’s a gun called the Fat Man that shoots tiny nukes. Until now I had no idea the name had historical connotations.
Everyone knows the Declaration of Independence happened on July 4, 1776, when America declared independence from British rule, but in those days word traveled slow. The king didn’t actually learn of the declaration until August 10, over a month later. Parliament refused any kind of reform or negotiation, seeing this as a minor colonial rebellion. They hired mercenaries to help the British army crush the puny Americans. And they did, at first, but eventually as we all know the Americans came back and proved victorious, otherwise this show would be called Tea Nerds and we’d all be speaking English.
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