Episode 25 - Old School Coffee

Roaming the interstate back and forth between Ohio and Colorado, I have had several opportunities to sample the coffees to be had on Interstate 70, both the good and the bad. One of the standout favorites for me has been Old School Coffee and Frozen Yogurt in Sweet Springs, Missouri.

First, they earn the name old school. Every coffee is individually made via pour over. No sour, stale coffee sitting in a canister for hours. They do it right. For a true coffee nerd, getting good coffee on the go can be tough, when the only options are gas stations, McDonalds, and Starbucks. I prefer finding a local place or hitting up a Caribou, but even they can be hit or miss sometimes since they often let their coffee sit (though Caribou is usually good about swapping out their coffees when they get old).

Old School made such an impression on my family the first time we found them, we remembered them fondly years later when we were finally able to return. The coffee was just as good the second time around, and I was able to pick up some beans this time. Eagle eyed viewers may have noticed me wearing an Old School t-shirt in a few episodes.

I shipped Chad a sample so we could try them out in an episode. Watch the video to see how the tasting went!



On the lighter side, I can't say this was one of my favorites, but it was still very enjoyable. I'd like to try another bag of Old School coffee someday. I hopefully I can swing by on a future road trip!


★ and a half

Definitely a good coffee. This one was sweet, chocolaty and carmely. All around a good coffee.

That closes out our 2017! We start 2018 off with an exploration into instant coffee! Subscribe to our Youtube channel so you never miss an episode! 


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